Irland: fantastic friends and memories

Jasper (15) aus Düsseldorf

Transition Year (TY) – ganzes Schuljahr

In August I made my way to Ireland without knowing what would really expect me. I didn’t know anyone, and I have never been to Dublin before either so it would be a whole new experience for me. Before school started, I met another exchange student from France, and we became friends immediately which was great because I had a friend for school.

For me the year abroad in Ireland was one of the best experiences I have had in my life so far. I’ve made fantastic friends and memories over there.

The first day in school was great. I was so nervous but quickly people started talking to me and the other people and showed all of us around so we knew from the beginning on where what is. In general, the people in Sutton Park School (SPS) are so nice and the atmosphere there is fantastic for studying but also to make new memories and experiences.

Also, an advantage for me was the preparation I got already before my arrival in Ireland by the organisation (Now You!).

On the first few days in Ireland, my host parents showed me where everything in the area is which was obviously helpful as well. With the help of my coach from school and my agent in Ireland, I signed up with a local sport club, so I met new people there as well.

Only a few weeks after my arrival, SPS went with my year on a trip to the countryside where we did a lot of team building things which was enormous helpful for me to make friends with the other students there. After that I had my friend’s group in which I spent the year and it was one of the best things for me.

In school we had a lot of workshops and sport activities so it was never boring there and I kept doing things I probably would never have done at home. For example, playing volleyball, doing a barista course or doing a first aid course as a school subject. In general, the school helped me but also the other people, to find out more about ourselves and what we want to do in the future throughout the year.

Personal highlights during the year in connection with my school were the hockey all-Irelands in Cork, ski-trip to Italy and the outdoor pursuits I mentioned earlier.

Furthermore, I was able to develop my English and social skills. My host family was also a great part and they were always there for me.

With my friends I did a lot, and we spent nearly every day together and they became like a second family to me.


(Juni 2023)

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